Securing quality of life
Orthopaedic diseases are often associated with congenital or acquired misalignments and incorrect weight-bearing. For the most part, however, it is a matter of degenerative processes as part of natural ageing. Ageing is a natural process that causes more discomfort for some than for others. Our goal is to make these processes as pain-free as possible for you. They cannot always be cured – it’s difficult to turn back the hands of time – but the situation can usually be improved with our non-surgical treatments to such an extent that your quality of life is maintained over a very long period of time. Our experience shows that a significant improvement can be achieved without surgery in the majority of our patients with degenerative diseases. If, in individual cases, surgical treatment is the better option for you, we will refer you to an expert colleague. Through the ATOS Group, we are connected to surgical clinics and have access to renowned specialists in various fields.